Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Truth vs Tolerance?

Nowadays, in this world of ours, in this society, people proclaim tolerance everywhere, and many people(if not everyone) think it is something very important that we all need to live. It has become the banner of the defenders of liberty and equality. The only problem is (if there is only one) : the same people who claim to be tolerant, want and try to impose their conceptions to others...

Hypocrisy, much?

What is truth? I mean Truth; you know; that thing everyone claims to own. Well, obviously, there can only be ONE Truth. So there can't be "my" truth and "your" truth, if we both believe two things totally contrary to each other. One of us is right, or none of us know the truth, but we can't both have found the truth.
This is the danger with tolerance, it kills our so precious Truth's "voice".

But all that doesn't answer to the question, does it?

There is only one man who claimed to be The Truth(along with many other things). People think they can possess the truth, but we can never be sure to know it completely. At least, we can be honest with ourselves and others(and God, while we're at it), and not deny our beliefs and convictions pleading "tolerance" instead of Truth.

Tolerance is actually a trend, and I believe a very bad one...Try respect instead.


Jesus the Christ is that man, if you were wondering. ;)

The purpose of it all

What is life all about? Is there really a reason for us to live? WHY? Why all this? Why life? Why love? Why hate? Why hardships? Why happiness?
We surely don't have all the answers, but one thing is sure : God has them! Yes, I do believe there is a God out there, who watches us live and destroy everything he created perfect. He is the purpose of it all! Hardships are not there to destroy us, but to give us an occasion to cry out to him! Love is his motivation for everything he lets happen, or decides to make happen(you decide which of those). But men are wicked and influenced by the devil, and think they are all powerful, but they are in fact very very weak(even more compared to the almighty God!).
What is your life about? What is your reason to live? Do you love? Do you hate? Why?! Are you happy? Are you "lucky"? Or is God gracious unto you?
